‘Mangala’ to give a new feel to audience

  • IndiaGlitz, [Saturday,October 30 2010]

View Mangala Gallery

The combination of Charmme and director Osho Tulasiram was once proved successful in ‘Mantra’. The same is combo is repeating again for ‘Mangala’. Tulasiram himself is producing ‘Mangala’ in association with Ch V Sarma.

Though the shooting was complete long ago, the post-production works are going at a snail’s pace. The producers speeded up the process and busy wrapping up pending work, besides making efforts to release the audio next month.

They say, ‘Our film ‘Mangala’ would be completely different from ‘Mantra’. The story and screenplay were so gripping that everyone would get stuck to their seats from the minute the film begins. The objective of the horror scenes was not just to frighten the audiences, though they get a feel of it. Definitely the film would give a new experiences to all those who watch the movie. The scenes that were shot in Vikarabad forests would be quite interesting. Charmme’s performance is an asset for the movie’. Camera is by Dasarathi Sivendra and music is by Viswa.